Subject: Alert: Fix your spam filter that bounces to faked addresses ! From: dont_bounce@faked_senders Sender: Server_Owner@Broken_Spam_Filter I append See Also postmaster@ Fix your spam filter! You Spam The Innocent! We did NOT spam you! Your Spam Filter Wrongly Bounced To Us. It Is NOT From Us ! Spammer merely Fake our domains, just as they could equally Fake yours ! No spammers here, the few users know any spammer would be instantly killed. We have no incompetents using Microsoft, no viruses, no bots, no malware. We are professional computer consultants who use, provide & support systems based on BSD Linux Unix etc, mostly using Free Public Source Code ** Your spam filter spams the innocent. Fix Your Server - If not, We must report yours as a secondary spam domain to be blocked by RBL. We report irresponsible domains as secondary spammers to be blocked: Those who claim laws/ policy/ bosses as excuse to return all spam, so they'll not lose occasional real mail, or incur admin cost their end, burdening all innocents who have been faked. Returning Masqueraded Spam To mail lists & lists robots such as mailman@, majordomo@, listproc@, procserv@ etc is particularly incompetent. Ensure your filter knows not to do that.